Home – Enrollment 20242024-06-19T11:34:59-04:00

Now Enrolling!

Saint Peter’s Catholic School is a Pre-K to 6th grade elementary school in Beaufort, South Carolina. We offer full-day classes for Kindergartners through 6th grade, with both full and part day programs for preschool children ages 3 and 4. Extended Care Program is available for all students.

Our Mission

The mission of Saint Peter’s Catholic School is to prepare students to excel in life by achieving success in a lived and taught Catholic tradition of excellence. Consistent with our motto, “Saints and Scholars,” we aim to produce leaders in academics and servants in faith.

Principal’s Welcome

Ms. Ann Feltner

Pastor’s Welcome

Rev. Father Andrew Trapp

News & Announcements

Mrs. Feltner’s Letter, August 23, 2024

A Student’s Prayer for a New School Year

August 23, 2024

Lord Jesus, I ask for Your help as I begin this new school year. Allow me to experience Your presence in the many blessings You put before me. Open my eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings. Open my heart and mind to new friends and new teachers. Give me a generous spirit to be enthusiastic with my studies and courage to accept new opportunities. Help me to be attentive to my teachers and let me experience Your presence in my new friends. Jesus, inspire me to do my best this year! Amen

Welcome back to school! Week two is finished, and we are well into our new school year, practicing procedures and transitions, and diving into our subjects. It is delightful to see our returning students and to meet our new students.

We feel very blessed to have 156 students enrolled this year, God is good, and we appreciate each of one of you and your families!

Everyone is working hard learning procedures and schedules, as well as receiving academic and religious instruction. We have had two school masses thus far, and our students have done a beautiful job planning the Liturgy, as well as singing and responding. It is a very spiritually uplifting experience! Please join us every Thursday morning at 8:30 a.m.

Thank you so much for your patience and cooperation with our arrival and dismissal procedures. Please remember, for dismissal to enter the campus via Wells-Fargo, and proceed behind the rectory and the church to the school roadway for pick-up.

Thank you for your support and for sharing your precious children with us. We are looking forward to a wonderful school year!

God bless,

Ann M Feltner

Employment Opportunities

Saint Peter’s Catholic School is seeking highly qualified and faith-filled candidates to fill open positions for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.

Current Openings:

3rd Grade Elementary Teacher- Full Time
4th Grade Elementary Teacher- Full Time
Substitute Teachers
Overview: Saint Peter’s Catholic School is located in the coastal Lowcountry of beautiful Beaufort, SC. Currently, Saint Peter’s Catholic School is a K3 through 6th grade Catholic Elementary School under the Diocese of Charleston Schools Office. Our beautiful, thriving school has as its vision to develop “Saints and Scholars” in the Catholic tradition of excellence. The curriculum stresses academic achievement within a Christian community where each child feels loved and respected by peers as well as by teachers. Vatican II texts are used so that our theology is in compliance with the bishops of the world. United with each other in meaningful liturgy and prayer, students grow in understanding of the Christian life. At St. Peter’s, we are attempting to “teach as Jesus did.” The Diocesan curriculum guidelines, consistent with the State of South Carolina guidelines, are followed for teaching all secular subject areas. The curriculum is marked by current content and fresh approaches to methodology. The emphasis is on principles rather than facts, on learning through problem-solving rather than by precept. We strive to offer a program which makes use of many sources of reading material, a wide variety of audio-visual and technology tools, and a multi-text approach to the content areas.
All candidates are required to have a BA in education, as well as a current teacher certification. Candidates will be required to complete a background screening, as well as take our Safe Haven training.  References are required. Salary is commensurate with experience. Qualified applicants should submit a resume and cover letter to apply@charlestondiocese.org

Please consider working with our wonderful students and staff!

Fully Accredited. Founded in 1991.

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