Language Arts Literacy
Students read a wide range of fiction, nonfiction, classic, and contemporary works are read to build an understanding of texts, themselves, and cultures in the world. Seven class chapters books are read with a comprehension packet throughout the year. They acquire new information, respond to the needs and demands of society. The students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. Journey’s, our textbook program, includes short stories and a workbook that reflects the stories. In the workbook, it focuses on vocabulary, spelling, and comprehension. Also, there is an additional vocabulary book, Sadlier Vocabulary, with new words to study every other week.
Students learn a wide range of strategies as they write in class and use different writing elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes. In class, writing journals are used where students communicate to the teacher through writing conversation. Also focused on is cursive which is somehow a lost trait. Daily students practice in cursive books on perfecting the loops and curves, and by the end of the year will be fully writing in cursive. Students also listen actively and communicate appropriately for a variety of learning purposes. They learn to adjust their language when speaking to an adult rather than a friend.
Saxon Math 3 focuses on place value and rounding number. Addition and Subtraction are reviewed and memorized skills for all third graders. Multiplication and division facts through 12’s will be memorized by all students. At the end of the year, fractions, measurements, and geometry will be introduced. A student workbook that is hands on and reinforces our reading standards is used throughout the year! Prodigy is used as a computer resource.
Religion focuses on the Old Testament. Religion 3 textbook and workbook tell stories of all the great prophets that prepared the world for Jesus. Mass is attended and Sunday’s gospel is reflected upon through Religion Weeklies. The Rosary is prayed often throughout the school year, especially during October for Pro-Life and May for our Blessed Mother Mary. Our Priest, Father Andrew, visits the classroom each week to discuss what is being learned in Religion. During the Lenten season, students attend Stations of the Cross once a week.
The online resource used is IXL (Immersive Learning Experience). It provides comprehensive curriculum that can align to individual students for Math, LAL, Science, Social Studies, and Spanish. It provides real-time diagnostics and recommendations. Skill plans are developed that are suited for individuals or groups. Students work on problems at their own speed!
Social Studies
Lessons will start with South Carolina’s geography using mapping skills, how its resources impact its citizens, and about South Carolina’s government. Students will learn about the lives of Native Americans in America. Discussions and lessons about the 3G’s (God, Glory and Gold), the successes and failures of the early settlers, the cultural exchange and early economies (benefits and drawbacks) will lead to the study of the original thirteen colonies. The curriculum will be taught through classroom discussions, graphic organizers, posters and Studies Weekly newspapers. BrainPop, Mystery Doug, Google, and documentaries will be used in addition to delivering these lessons. Assessments will be tests, quizzes, and illustrations showing understanding of events.
Students will learn about the seasons and weather. Discussions and lessons will relate to hazards during a particular season, and climates around different regions of the world. Study of the diversity of life cycles in organisms and common life features, traits and how they are influenced, variations and survival of organisms due to characteristics, habitats, and fossils will be taught. Lessons will be delivered through readings, research, graphic organizers, posters, Studies Weekly newspapers, BrainPop,and Mystery Doug, Assessments will include quizzes, tests, scientific investigations, and illustrations.
Each week students go to technology, art, physical education, and music. Students attend Spanish two times a week. Each session is fifty minutes.