The K-1 level of the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies called Promise are utilized. It is a liturgy-based approach to teaching Religion. Every Promise lesson is built upon a theme which comes from the upcoming Sunday Gospel. Each Promise lesson prepares the children to hear the Gospel message and help them to understand how the Gospel relates to their lives. To expand the content of the Promise lessons, students complete a series of activities in their What the Church Believes and Teaches handbook and listen to Bible stories related to each lesson. provides information that enhances the presentation of the Pflaum Gospel weeklies in the classroom.
The students participate in a program called The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. The students are involved in many hands-on learning experiences in a prayerful setting. The students learn about the Church, the Liturgical Seasons, the Sacraments, the Bible, and spend their time in the Atrium. Our students attend Mass once a week and on Holy days of Obligation. The Rosary is prayed during the months of October and May. We attend the Stations of the Cross during the Lenten season. Our students look forward to Fr. Andrew, our Pastor, and Sr. Agnes visiting our classroom every week.
Language Arts
Language Arts focuses on phonics, spelling, comprehension, grammar, and writing skills. The students are able to build upon their reading, writing, and phonics skills, which were taught in Kindergarten, to provide foundation to become strong and fluent readers.
Math, we learn our basic addition and subtraction facts through 20. We also learn about time, money, measurement, place value, and geometry. The students use critical thinking skills and learn how to solve word problems by following problem solving steps.
Science, we learn and explore many concepts that include Physical Science, Life Science, and Earth/Space Science. Topics that are covered are energy, movement, living & non-living things, life cycles, plants & animals, and weather.
Social Studies
Social Studies, topics of communities, rules/laws, government, and learning about our country are explored. We learn about map and globe skills and the geography of our country and our world.
Students in the first grade take the MAP test in Reading and Math. The Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment is used to assess reading levels. Benchmark tests are taking at the end of each unit in Reading. Math assessments are taking at the beginning of the year, at the end of the first semester, end of the year, and at the end of every unit.
1st Grade