The Spanish curriculum is a guideline to challenge students to become active participants in the Spanish language. There are 5 standards based on the national standards identified by the American Council on the teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL), the South Carolina State Standards and the Diocese of Charleston. The standards are: Communication, Culture, Connections with content, Community and Comparisons with the real world.
Spanish Subject Content Material
Grades K3 – 2: commands, greetings, farewells, classroom rules, colors, shapes, animals, body parts, opposites, simple poems, songs, games, prayers, sign of the cross, recognize family members, learn about culture in Hispanic countries, songs and dances of other countries, creation of cultural projects. Dia de los muertos, Navidad, Cinco de Mayo etc. Count numbers, days and months, weather expressions, feelings.
Grades 3 – 6: Greetings and farewells, follow commands, classroom routines, introduce themselves, describe people, objects, numbers, colors, shapes. Read and understand words and expressions. Respond to questions using short answers. Describe people through the use of colors, numbers etc. Simple poems, songs, games and prayers. Participate in mini dialogues. Communicate brief messages with learned specific vocabulary. Construct simple sentences in Spanish. Learn spelling rules and grammatical structures to assist in the production of meaningful sentences. Appreciate Hispanic music and culture. Learn about Catholic traditions in the United States and other countries.
- ACTFL Standards
- South Carolina State
- super simple espanol (online)
- Elementary Spanish teachers in the US
Languages and children – Making the Match, Foreign Language Instruction for an Early Start Grades K-8 by Curtain and Pesola.
Bringing New Languages to Young Learners – an online course offered through the State Department of Education with graduate credit through the Citadel.